万维设计 | 伦敦Tiger Way学校建筑设计方案

  • 作者:onewedesignc
  • 时间:2021-05-11

Tiger Way是一个以教育为主导的混合用途计划,提供一所高质量的新小学和幼儿园,并与同样高质量的住宅公寓同处一地。该项目通过与当地教育合作组织合作,并涉及多个利益相关方群体的交叉融资模式来实现。


Tiger Way is an education-led mixed-use scheme, delivering a high-quality new primary school and nursery co-located with equally high-quality residential apartments. The project was delivered via a cross-funding model, working with the Local Education Partnership and involving multiple stakeholder groups. The private sale of the apartments helped to fund the school and overcome budgetary constraints. This innovative typology provided much-needed primary school spaces for the London Borough of Hackney. The main design challenge was to provide an excellent learning environment for the school, maximising the available playspace on the small site while balancing the needs of the residential accommodation. Our answer was creating a hybrid building which separates the uses horizontally and vertically, with school and residential outdoor amenity space provided at different roof levels.


两种用途的统一性通过材料和建筑语言的连续性得到加强。整个项目使用了三种微妙的乳白色赤陶墙面,这种材料的选择与周围的环境相呼应。学校--面向社区--用游戏区的颜色和充满活力的绿色窗框 "流行 "起来,而住宅区则可以看到公园,采用精致的青铜元素。Hawkins/Brown与利益相关者紧密合作,设计出安全、有趣、充满光亮的空间,宽阔的走廊和充足的外部通道。

This meant that the combined footprint was a more efficient use of the available site area, and didn’t compromise either use. Key design considerations were how the two uses would work independently from one another and have their own identity, while celebrating their co-location with a unified scheme. Careful attention to aspects such as overlooking was given when developing the design of the residential apartments and the façade. Unity of the two uses is enhanced by the continuity of material and architectural language. Three subtle shades of cream terracotta cladding are used across Tiger Way, a material choice that responds to the surrounding context. The school – facing its community – ‘pops’ with the colour of the play areas and vibrant green window frames, while the residential blocks, with views over the park, feature sophisticated bronze elements. HawkinsBrown worked closely with the stakeholders to design safe, playful and inspiring spaces full of light with wide corridors and plenty of access to the outside.

教室围绕着广阔的户外游戏,教学区设在地面和屋顶。该设计设法超越了基准简报区域,提供了促进健康的专业空间,包括一个灵活的 "公园房间",可以看到整个哈克尼唐斯。该多功能方案通过利用高效的共享热电联产供热系统和住宅塔楼屋顶的现场光伏发电来避免遮挡,从而大幅减少二氧化碳的排放。该项目在设计和施工阶段取得了BREEAM优秀,2018年获得了公共部门类别的BREEAM奖,并入围了2019年的另一个BREEAM名单。

Classrooms wrap around expansive outdoor play with teaching areas at both ground floor and at roof level. The design managed to exceed baseline briefing areas, providing specialist spaces that promote wellbeing including a flexible ‘Park Room’ that looks out across Hackney Downs. The mixed-use scheme enables a significant reduction in CO2 emissions by utilising an efficient shared CHP heating system and on-site photovoltaics on the roof of the residential towers to avoid overshadowing. The project achieved BREEAM Outstanding at design and construction stage, won a BREEAM Award in the Public Sector category in 2018 and was shortlisted for another BREEAM in 2019.










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